Barclays在发薪日出现技术故障, 超过1200名客户无法进入网上或移动银行。 Barclays' tech glitch on payday left over 1,200 customers unable to access online or mobile banking.
巴克莱(Barclays)在2025年1月31日遭遇重大技术问题, 影响超过1200名客户, Barclays experienced a major technical issue on January 31, 2025, affecting over 1,200 customers who couldn't access their mobile or online banking services on payday. 银行承认这一问题,道歉并引导用户访问其网站以了解最新情况。 The bank acknowledged the problem, apologizing and directing users to their website for updates. Downtector(一个报告服务中断的平台)记录了广泛存在的问题,大多数投诉涉及移动和在线银行业务。 Downdetector, a platform for reporting service disruptions, recorded the widespread issues, with most complaints about mobile and online banking. 客户对社交媒体表示沮丧,有些客户考虑改换银行。 Customers expressed frustration on social media, with some considering switching banks.