美国和加拿大拥有平衡的汽车贸易,但拟议的关税可能耗资500亿美元,并抬高价格。 U.S. and Canada have balanced auto trade, but proposed tariffs could cost $50 billion and raise prices.
一份TD报告指出,美国和加拿大之间平衡的汽车贸易,两国交换的轻型车辆和零件价值相等。 A TD report indicates balanced automotive trade between the U.S. and Canada, with both countries exchanging equal values of light vehicles and parts. 然而,美国总统唐纳德·特朗普提议对加拿大货物征收25%的关税,这可能导致巨额成本,可能耗资500亿美元将生产转回美国,导致消费者价格上涨。 However, proposed 25% tariffs on Canadian goods by U.S. President Donald Trump could lead to significant costs, potentially $50 billion to shift production back to the U.S., resulting in higher prices for consumers. 墨西哥在北美汽车生产中所占份额增加,导致2023年与美国的贸易赤字达1 060亿美元。 Mexico's increased share in North American auto production has led to a $106 billion trade deficit with the U.S. in 2023. 报告警告说,贸易的不确定性长期存在,汽车业可能受到干扰。 The report warns of prolonged trade uncertainty and possible disruptions in the auto sector.