加拿大候选人Freeland提议对美国商品征收2000亿美元的关税, 以对抗潜在的Trump关税。 Canadian candidate Freeland proposes $200 billion in tariffs on U.S. goods to counter potential Trump tariffs.
加拿大自由党领袖候选人Chrystia Freeland提议公布一份价值2,000亿美元的报复性关税清单, 以阻止美国总统特朗普对加拿大进口品征收25%的关税。 Canadian Liberal leadership candidate Chrystia Freeland proposes releasing a list of $200 billion worth of retaliatory tariffs to deter U.S. President Trump from imposing 25% tariffs on Canadian imports. 她的计划针对美国主要产业, 包括佛罗里达橙、威斯康辛乳制品、密歇根洗碗机等, 迫使美国企业反对特朗普的关税。 Her plan aims to target key U.S. industries, including Florida oranges, Wisconsin dairy, and Michigan dishwashers, to pressure American businesses to oppose Trump's tariffs. 这项战略代表了与现政府做法的转变,被批评为政治行动而非实际谈判策略。 This strategy represents a shift from the current government's approach and has been critiqued as more of a political move than a practical negotiating tactic.