参议院共和党迅速确认了特朗普总统内阁提名的4名候选人,包括国家安全方面的关键角色。 Senate Republicans quickly confirm four of President Trump's Cabinet nominees, including key national security roles.
参议院多数党领袖John Thune声称,参议院共和党人正在迅速确认特朗普总统的内阁提名人选,其中4人是在就职后不久确认的。 Senate Majority Leader John Thune asserts that Senate Republicans are swiftly confirming President Trump's Cabinet nominees, with four confirmed shortly after the inauguration. 这包括国务秘书和国土安全秘书、国防部长和中央情报局局长。 This includes the Secretaries of State and Homeland Security, the Defense Secretary, and the CIA Director. Thune强调这些确认的重要性,特别是对国家安全作用的重要性,并讨论国会在援助加利福尼亚的野火努力方面的作用,同时解决政府资金需求问题。 Thune emphasizes the importance of these confirmations, particularly for national security roles, and discusses Congress's role in providing aid to California wildfire efforts while addressing the need for government funding.