特朗普总统宣布他的内阁提名人选 取消参议院的确认程序 President Trump announces his cabinet nominees, kicking off the Senate confirmation process.
特朗普总统在就职后宣布了内阁提名人选。 President Trump has announced his cabinet nominees following his inauguration. 这些甄选,包括副总统迈克·庞斯、国务卿雷克斯·蒂勒森和财政部长史蒂文·姆努钦,需要参议院确认。 These selections, including Vice President Mike Pence, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, and Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin, require Senate confirmation. 该名单还包括国防、教育、国土安全等关键职位的提名人。 The list also includes nominees for key positions like Defense, Education, and Homeland Security. 参议院的确认程序将于本周开始。 The Senate confirmation process will begin this week. Trump还任命了联邦机构代理领导人,并计划修改政策和地名。 Trump has also named acting leaders for federal agencies and plans changes to policies and names of geographic locations.