男子在严重脚踝受伤后,在冰冷的布伦卡特拉峰上滑倒后空运,营救用了3小时。 Man airlifted after severe ankle injury from slip on icy Blencathra summit; rescue took 3 hours.
1月25日, 一位20岁的男子在湖区Blencathra高峰会滑冰, 脚踝严重受伤。 A 20-year-old man severely injured his ankle after slipping on ice at Blencathra's summit in the Lake District on January 25. Keswick山区救援队和西北空中救护处作出了回应,志愿者协助将他抬上担架。 Keswick Mountain Rescue Team and the North West Air Ambulance Service responded, with volunteers helping carry him on a stretcher. 尽管天气恶劣,但经过3小时7分钟的营救努力,一架直升机最终将他空运到医院。 Despite severe weather, a helicopter eventually airlifted him to the hospital after a rescue effort lasting three hours and seven minutes.