Snowshoer在温哥华岛滑下冰坡100米后获救;应急装置帮助救援。 Snowshoer rescued after sliding 100 meters down icy slope on Vancouver Island; emergency device aided rescue.
在从温哥华岛冰雪坡滑下100米后 一只雪船获救 A snowshoer was rescued after sliding 100 meters down an icy slope on Vancouver Island. 受伤者使用一个离网装置求救,两名旁观者协助,直到救援人员乘直升机抵达。 The injured person used an off-grid device to call for help and was aided by two bystanders until rescuers arrived by helicopter. 视察队使用专用装备到达雪船,并将她空运给救护人员。 The team used specialized gear to reach the snowshoer and airlift her to paramedics. Alberni 河谷救援队强调,由于后方国家不可预测的积雪状况,需要应急准备。 The Alberni Valley Rescue Squad highlighted the need for emergency preparedness due to unpredictable snow conditions in the backcountry.