4 月 20 日:里诺和特拉基梅多斯消防员在莫斯湖附近救出了一名脚踝骨折的受伤徒步旅行者。 20 Apr: Reno & Truckee Meadows firefighters rescued an injured hiker with a broken ankle near Moss Lake.
4 月 20 日:里诺和特拉基梅多斯消防员在莫斯湖附近救出了一名受伤的徒步旅行者。 20 Apr: Reno & Truckee Meadows firefighters rescued an injured hiker with a traumatic injury near Moss Lake. 艰难的地形需要技术响应,并且需要穿越一英里多的艰难地形才能到达徒步旅行者,后来发现他的脚踝骨折。 Difficult terrain required a technical response and over a mile of challenging terrain was navigated to reach the hiker, who was found to have a broken ankle. 尽管如此,据报道,这名徒步旅行者接受治疗后情况良好。 Despite this, the hiker was reported to be in good condition after receiving treatment.