前糕点厨师科林·巴特(Colin Butt)克服了一个艰难的童年,因慈善工作荣获澳大利亚骑士团勋章。 Former pastry cook Colin Butt, who overcame a tough childhood, awarded Medal of the Order of Australia for charity work.
科林·帕特里克·巴特(Colin Patrick Butt)是一位前糕点厨师,他克服了一个充满挑战的童年,这个童年曾生活在暴雨中,11岁辍学。 他获得了澳大利亚骑士勋章。 Colin Patrick Butt, a former pastry cook who overcame a challenging childhood that included living in a storm drain and dropping out of school at 11, has been awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia. 他的人生哲学侧重于回馈,他致力于社区服务和筹款,包括援助受干旱影响的农民和支持 " 照护 " 飞行和救援直升机。 His life philosophy focuses on giving back, and he has dedicated himself to community service and fundraising, including aiding drought-affected farmers and supporting Careflight and rescue helicopters. Butt的努力已对许多需要帮助的人的生活产生了重大影响。 Butt's efforts have significantly impacted the lives of many in need.