消防员Gregory Houston因勇敢和领导能力获得澳大利亚消防服务奖章。 Firefighter Gregory Houston receives Australian Fire Service Medal for bravery and leadership.
消防员Gregory Houston是新南威尔士州消防救援队35年老兵,因勇气和献身精神荣获澳大利亚消防服务奖章。 Firefighter Gregory Houston, a 35-year veteran of Fire and Rescue NSW, has been awarded the Australian Fire Service Medal for bravery and dedication. 休斯顿对若干自然灾害作出了反应,并发挥领导作用,例如新南威尔士州RSL分组消防旅长和火灾博物馆董事会成员。 Houston has responded to several natural disasters and holds leadership roles such as president of the NSW Fire Brigades RSL sub-Branch and board member of the Museum of Fire. 专员Jeremy Mattrell赞扬他的正直和献身精神。 Commissioner Jeremy Fewtrell praised his integrity and commitment.