Shani Cain获得澳大利亚骑士团奖章,用于青年倡导和慈善工作。 Shani Cain receives Medal of the Order of Australia for youth advocacy and charity work.
来自巴拉拉特的30岁的Shani Cain因通过乐施会和橡树基金会等慈善机构对青年的贡献而获得澳大利亚骑士团勋章。 Shani Cain, a 30-year-old from Ballarat, has been awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia for her contributions to youth through charities like Oxfam and the Oaktree Foundation. Cain 在气候变化和家庭暴力等全球问题上为年轻人发声。 Cain advocates for young people on global issues such as climate change and domestic violence. 她对这项承认感到惊讶,并建议澳大利亚日奖在不同的日期举行,以尊重土著社区。 She was surprised by the recognition and suggests that Australia Day awards be held on a different date to respect Indigenous communities.