澳大利亚日向从事从战斗到后勤等各种服务的军事人员颁奖。 Australia Day honors military personnel for diverse services, from combat to logistics.
澳大利亚日为杰出的服务和成就向公认的军事人员致敬。 Australia Day honors recognized military personnel for distinguished service and achievements. 获奖者包括在伊拉克服役的杰弗里·科斯特洛上校、在伊拉克行动中发挥作用的杰拉尔德·麦高万中校和领导1号飞行训练学校的本杰明·索利中校。 Recipients include Colonel Geoffrey Costello for service in Iraq, Lieutenant Colonel Gerald McGowan for his role in Iraq operations, and Wing Commander Benjamin Sawley for leading the Number 1 Flying Training School. 奖项涵盖从战争行动到空中和导弹防御、保健服务和后勤等领域,反映了对澳大利亚国防军的各种贡献。 Awards covered areas from war operations to air and missile defense, health services, and logistics, reflecting the diverse contributions to the Australian Defence Force.