PA州长派遣40名消防员前往加利福尼亚协助洛杉矶的野火反应。 PA Governor sends 40 firefighters to California to aid in Los Angeles wildfire response.
宾夕法尼亚州州长Josh Shapiro已经派了40名野地消防员到加州 帮助抵抗洛杉矶的野火 Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro has sent 40 wildland firefighters to California to help fight the Los Angeles wildfires. 消防员由保护和自然资源部协调,将于1月27日抵达,停留两周。 The firefighters, coordinated by the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, will arrive on January 27 and stay for two weeks. 他们的任务包括安装供水线和喷洒系统,加强防火战略,以防止火灾蔓延。 Their tasks include installing water lines and sprinkler systems and reinforcing fire containment strategies to prevent the spread. 这项部署是根据加利福尼亚州的援助请求进行的,是州际消防员支助方案的一部分。 This deployment follows California's request for assistance and is part of a program enabling interstate firefighter support.