新南威尔士州消防局为LA野火战斗提供援助,强调国际消防人员合作。 NSW fire service offers aid to LA wildfire fight, highlighting international firefighter cooperation.
新南威尔士农村消防局(RFS)主动提出应美国当局的要求派遣消防员协助在加利福尼亚州洛杉矶扑灭野火。 The New South Wales Rural Fire Service (RFS) offers to send firefighters to help combat the wildfires in Los Angeles, California, if requested by US authorities. 副专员Peter McKichnie指出,皇家消防队随时准备提供协助,指出澳大利亚和美国消防员之间相互支持的历史。 Deputy Commissioner Peter McKechnie stated that the RFS is ready to assist, noting a history of mutual support between Australian and US firefighters. 战地服务团以前曾派遣成员前往北美灭火。 The RFS has previously sent members to North America to fight fires. 虽然由于目前的资源需求,一项请求似乎不大可能,但McKichnie强调他们愿意提供帮助。 While a request seems unlikely due to current resource needs, McKechnie emphasized their readiness to help. 1月7日开始的加利福尼亚大火至少造成16人死亡,12 000所房屋被毁。 The California fires, which began on January 7, have caused at least 16 deaths and destroyed 12,000 homes.