州长Newsom命令州政府机关协助执行法律和保护火灾后的财产。 Governor Newsom orders state agencies to aid in enforcing laws and protecting property post-fire.
加利福尼亚州州长Gavin Newsom命令州政府机关在撤离结束时帮助受Palisades和Eaton大火袭击的地区的当地执法部门。 California Governor Gavin Newsom ordered state agencies to help local law enforcement in areas hit by the Palisades and Eaton fires as evacuations end. 加利福尼亚公路巡逻队和紧急事务办公室将协助执法,打击掠夺、非法侵入和其他罪行,以便在居民返回时保护私人财产和开展恢复工作。 The California Highway Patrol and Office of Emergency Services will assist in enforcing laws against looting, trespassing, and other crimes to protect private property and recovery efforts as residents return.