俄勒冈州派出 240 名消防员协助应对加州的野火危机,影响了数千人。 Oregon sends 240 firefighters to aid in California's wildfire crisis, affecting thousands.
俄勒冈州正在派遣 240 名消防员和 60 辆发动机来帮助扑灭洛杉矶附近的野火。 Oregon is sending 240 firefighters and 60 engines to help combat wildfires near Los Angeles. 强风加剧了大火,摧毁了 1,000 多座建筑物,迫使数千人撤离。 The fires, exacerbated by strong winds, have destroyed over 1,000 structures and forced thousands to evacuate. 这项援助是俄勒冈州和加利福尼亚州自 2017 年以来互助协议的一部分,加利福尼亚州为俄勒冈州的努力进行了补偿。 This assistance is part of a mutual aid agreement between Oregon and California since 2017, with California reimbursing Oregon for their efforts. 突击队将帮助保护社区和关键基础设施。 The strike teams will help protect communities and critical infrastructure.