天然气泄漏迫使202所Waupaca住宅关闭热量,因为温度降到零以下。 Natural gas leak forces 202 Waupaca homes to shut off heat as temps drop below zero.
Waupaca的一个天然气泄漏是由供水主修造成的,导致202户人家的天然气服务暂时关闭。 A natural gas leak in Waupaca, caused by a water main repair, has led to the temporary shutoff of gas services for 202 homes. 随着气温降到零以下,依赖煤气供暖的居民被建议迁至暖化住所,如城市的娱乐中心。 With temperatures dropping below zero, residents reliant on gas heating are advised to relocate to warming shelters, such as the city's Recreation Center. 一旦解决了泄漏问题,WE能源公司正致力于安全地在受影响家庭重新启动煤气炉。 Once the leak is resolved, WE Energies is working to safely restart gas furnaces in affected homes.