凤凰城一处汽车与煤气总管相撞,导致煤气泄漏。 Gas leak from vehicle collision with gas main in Phoenix .
凤凰城一辆汽车与煤气总管相撞,造成煤气泄漏,导致半径四分之一英里内的多栋建筑(包括一所学校)紧急疏散。 A gas leak caused by a vehicle collision with a gas main in Phoenix led to evacuations of multiple buildings, including a school, within a quarter-mile radius. 事件发生在第 27 大道和北大道附近,西南天然气公司的工作人员努力关闭高压天然气管道。 The incident occurred near 27th and Northern avenues, and Southwest Gas crews worked to shut down the high-pressure gas line. 危险品处理小组未发现周围建筑物读数有任何异常,并疏散了该区域内的建筑物。 Hazmat crews did not detect any anomalies in readings from surrounding buildings, and evacuated buildings within the area.