抗议者Joe Madden 破坏爱丁堡城堡命运之石展览, 面对社区服务及罚款。 Protester Joe Madden vandalized Edinburgh Castle's Stone of Destiny display, facing community service and fines.
Joe Madden, 22岁, 和另外两人在爱丁堡城堡 损坏了一个展品箱, 里面装有命运之石和一个王冠, Joe Madden, 22, and two others damaged a display case at Edinburgh Castle containing the Stone of Destiny and a crown during a protest over rising living costs. Madden被判处12个月的社区监督和180小时的无报酬工作,避免监狱服刑。 Madden was sentenced to a 12-month community supervision and 180 hours of unpaid work, avoiding prison. 损坏费用约为3000英镑。 The damage cost about £3,000. 《命运之石》是苏格兰和英国君主制的历史象征,现正在珀斯博物馆展出。 The Stone of Destiny, a historic symbol of Scottish and UK monarchies, is now on display in Perth Museum.