教授寻找1950年被盗和分裂的30多块历史性命运之石碎片。 Professor seeks over 30 fragments of the historic Stone of Destiny, stolen and split in 1950.
莎莉·福斯特教授正在带领寻找 30多块命运之石的碎片 一个历史性的加冕石 Professor Sally Foster is leading a search for over 30 fragments of the Stone of Destiny, a historic coronation stone. 这块石头在1950年被分割, 被来自威斯敏斯特修道院的四名苏格兰民族主义学生偷走。 The stone was split in 1950 when it was stolen by four Scottish nationalist students from Westminster Abbey. 在它恢复后,石匠伯蒂·格雷秘密修理了它,制造了编号的碎片。 After its recovery, stonemason Bertie Gray secretly repaired it, creating numbered fragments. 此后,这些碎片被传给家人,或存放在私人收藏中。 These fragments have since been passed through families or kept in private collections. Foster教授的研究旨在追踪他们的位置和历史,由苏格兰政府支持她的努力。 Professor Foster’s research aims to trace their locations and histories, with the Scottish government supporting her efforts.