苏格兰珀斯博物馆开幕,展出命运之石,英国政府资助 1000 万英镑。 Perth Museum in Scotland opens featuring the Stone of Destiny, with £10m UK government funding.
苏格兰珀斯博物馆已开放,以命运之石为中心展品。 Perth Museum in Scotland has opened, featuring the Stone of Destiny as its central exhibit. 这座耗资 2700 万英镑的博物馆还藏有其他著名文物,如邦妮查理王子的剑、英国最重的竿钓鲑鱼和一艘拥有 3000 年历史的圆木船。 The £27m museum houses other notable artifacts such as Bonnie Prince Charlie's sword, the heaviest British rod-caught salmon, and a 3,000-year-old logboat. 该博物馆得到英国政府 1000 万英镑的资助,旨在增加游客数量,并将珀斯和金罗斯置于苏格兰故事的中心。 The museum, supported by £10m UK government funding, aims to increase visitor numbers and position Perth and Kinross at the heart of Scotland's story.