抗议者乔·马登 (Joe Madden) 承认因婴儿用品费用而损坏了爱丁堡城堡的命运之石展示。 Protester Joe Madden admits to damaging the Stone of Destiny display at Edinburgh Castle over baby product costs.
抗争者Joe Madden, 22岁, 承认在2023年11月15日, 由「这是强盗」带领的抗争中, 破坏了爱丁堡城堡命运之石的展示。 Protester Joe Madden, 22, admitted to damaging the display case of the Stone of Destiny at Edinburgh Castle in a protest led by "This is Rigged" on November 15, 2023. 社运人士要求超市降低婴儿产品价格, 要求苏格兰政府资助粮食中心。 The activists demanded that supermarkets lower baby product prices and for the Scottish government to fund food hubs. Madden和另外两人Jamie Priest和Catriona Roberts被判处无报酬工作,损失总额为2 798英镑。 Madden and two others, Jamie Priest and Catriona Roberts, were sentenced to unpaid work, with damage totaling £2,798. 命运之石在苏格兰和联合王国的加冕仪式上具有历史意义,在伊丽莎白二世女王和查尔斯三世国王的加冕仪式上曾使用。 The Stone of Destiny, historically significant in Scottish and UK coronations, was used in the coronations of Queen Elizabeth II and King Charles III.