外国干涉报告定于下周二发布, 承诺深入了解外部对国内事务影响的程度。 Foreign interference report, set to be released next Tuesday, promises insights into extent of outside influence on domestic affairs.
对外国干涉的调查的最后报告将在下周二向公众公布。 The final report from an inquiry into foreign interference will be released to the public next Tuesday. 报告详细内容审查了外国对内政的影响的程度和性质,但尚未披露。 Details of the report, which has been examining the extent and nature of foreign influence in domestic affairs, have not been disclosed yet. 预计这一释放将使人们深入了解调查结果和建议。 This release is anticipated to provide insights into the findings and recommendations from the investigation.