加拿大外交官与外交使节会晤,讨论防止潜在干涉的防御问题。 Canadian diplomat meets with foreign envoys to discuss defending against potential interference.
加拿大外交部门主管会见了外国外交官,讨论潜在的干涉问题。 The head of Canada's diplomatic service met with foreign diplomats to discuss potential interference issues. 简报会的目的是让外交渠道随时了解情况,并警惕外部影响。 The briefing aimed to keep diplomatic channels informed and vigilant against external influences. 没有提出具体威胁,而是把重点放在维护国际关系完整性的一般战略上。 No specific threats were named, focusing instead on general strategies to maintain integrity in international relations.