特朗普总统停止了1 660名核准阿富汗难民的航班,其中包括盟友和处境危险的人。 President Trump halts flights for 1,660 approved Afghan refugees, including allies and at-risk individuals.
特朗普总统取消了为近1,660名获准在美国重新安置的阿富汗难民提供的航班,其中包括美国军事人员的家属、举目无亲的未成年人和来自塔利班的危险人物。 President Trump has canceled flights for nearly 1,660 Afghan refugees approved for resettlement in the U.S., including family members of U.S. military personnel, unaccompanied minors, and individuals at risk from the Taliban. 他下令中止美国难民方案, 并配合他关于镇压移民的竞选承诺, This action follows his order to suspend U.S. refugee programs and aligns with his campaign promise to crackdown on immigration. 这一决定使数千名其他经批准的阿富汗难民处于无依无靠的境地。 The decision leaves thousands of other approved Afghan refugees in limbo.