在菲律宾办理手续后,近200名阿富汗签证接受者飞抵美国。 Nearly 200 Afghan visa recipients flown to the U.S. after processing in the Philippines.
在阿富汗为美国政府工作的近200名阿富汗国民在菲律宾办理特别移民签证后被空运到美国。 Nearly 200 Afghan nationals, who worked for the U.S. government in Afghanistan, have been flown to the U.S. after their special immigrant visas were processed in the Philippines. 这次搬迁是美国和菲律宾之间协议的一部分,阿富汗人在1月15日至17日期间乘几架商业航班离开马尼拉。 The relocation was part of an agreement between the U.S. and the Philippines, with the Afghans leaving Manila in several commercial flights between January 15 and 17. 美国支付了他们在菲律宾逗留和处理的所有费用。 The U.S. covered all costs for their stay and processing in the Philippines.