拜登总统考虑动用行政权力进行边境镇压。 President Biden weighs invoking executive authority to stage border crackdown.
由于抵达美墨边境的移民人数不断增加,拜登总统正在考虑援引 1952 年的 212(f) 法律来限制进入美国庇护系统。 President Biden is considering invoking a 1952 law, known as 212(f), to restrict access to the US asylum system amidst rising numbers of migrant arrivals at the US-Mexico border. 特朗普政府此前曾使用过这项法律,允许总统在外国人入境被认为不符合国家最佳利益时暂停外国人入境。 This law, previously used by the Trump administration, allows the president to suspend entry of foreigners when their arrival is not deemed in the country's best interest. 如果获得批准,拜登的行政行动可能会面临法律和运营方面的挑战,以及实施后可能面临的诉讼。 If approved, Biden's executive action could face legal and operational challenges, as well as potential lawsuits if implemented. 此举也标志着拜登移民政策立场的转变,因为他此前承诺“恢复”美国庇护制度。 The move would also mark a shift in Biden's immigration policy stance, as he previously promised to "restore" the US asylum system.