特朗普总统发布行政命令收紧移民政策,面临法律挑战。 President Trump issues executive orders to tighten immigration, facing legal challenges.
特朗普总统正在发布行政命令,收紧美国的移民政策,包括结束出生公民权、暂停难民计划以及向南部边境部署军队。 President Trump is issuing executive orders to tighten U.S. immigration policies, including ending birthright citizenship, suspending the refugee program, and deploying troops to the southern border. 这些命令还旨在结束庇护申请,并迫使寻求庇护者在墨西哥等待。 The orders also aim to end asylum access and force asylum seekers to wait in Mexico. 预计这些行动将面临重大的法律和后勤挑战,特别是终止第 14 修正案中规定的出生公民权的努力。 These actions are expected to face significant legal and logistical challenges, particularly the effort to end birthright citizenship, which is enshrined in the 14th Amendment.