Trump宣布计划恢复和扩大针对穆斯林占多数的国家和加沙难民的旅行禁令。 Trump announces plan to reinstate and expand travel ban targeting Muslim-majority nations and refugees from Gaza.
前总统唐纳德·特朗普宣布计划恢复针对以穆斯林为主的国家的有争议的旅行禁令, Former President Donald Trump announced plans to reinstate his controversial travel ban targeting predominantly Muslim countries and extend it to include refugees from Gaza. 他在以美理事会会议上发言,强调打击反犹太主义,并批评犹太选民支持民主党。 Speaking at the Israeli American Council conference, he emphasized combating antisemitism and criticized Jewish voters for supporting Democrats. 最初的禁令面临法律挑战,但最高法院以有限形式维持原禁令。 The original ban faced legal challenges but was upheld in a limited form by the Supreme Court. 拜登总统在就职第一天解除了所有限制。 All restrictions were lifted by President Biden on his first day in office.