加州州长Newsom与特朗普政府会面,为洛杉矶大火的破坏寻求援助。 California Governor Newsom meets Trump administration to seek aid for LA wildfire devastation.
加利福尼亚州州长Gavin Newsom正与华盛顿特朗普政府会面, 为最近遭野火袭击的洛杉矶社区寻求救灾援助, California Governor Gavin Newsom is meeting with the Trump administration in Washington to seek disaster aid for Los Angeles communities hit by recent wildfires that killed 29 people and destroyed over 16,000 structures. 预计所造成的损害将超过2 500亿美元。 The damage is projected to exceed $250 billion. Trump早些时候曾威胁说,除非加利福尼亚州满足某些条件,否则将扣留援助,但他最近承诺与州合作。 Trump had earlier threatened to withhold aid unless California met certain conditions, but he recently pledged to work with the state. Newsom的目标是确保为重建工作提供财政和后勤支助,并协助流离失所的居民。 Newsom aims to secure financial and logistical support for rebuilding efforts and to assist displaced residents.