约120名乌克兰难民在爱尔兰科克(Cork)现住旅馆后一个月内面临搬迁。 About 120 Ukrainian refugees in Cork, Ireland, face relocation within a month from their current hotel housing.
大约120名乌克兰妇女和儿童在爱尔兰科克州雷德巴恩的一家优质酒店居住了两年多,他们必须在一个月之内搬家。 About 120 Ukrainian women and children, who have lived in a Quality Hotel in Redbarn, Cork, Ireland, for over two years, must move within a month. 许多居民找到了工作,其子女已在当地学校定居。 Many residents have found jobs and their children have settled in local schools. 一体化部正在努力提供新的临时住宿,指出随着需求减少,合同正在终止,以确保物有所值。 The Department of Integration is working to provide new temporary accommodation, stating that as demand decreases, contracts are being ended to ensure value for money.