爱尔兰警察支持将Thornton Hall改为国际保护申请人的住所。 Irish police support conversion of Thornton Hall into accommodation for international protection applicants.
爱尔兰的警卫部门正在支持将都柏林的索恩顿大厅改造成国际保护申请人的住所. Gardaí in Ireland are supporting the transformation of Thornton Hall in Dublin into accommodation for international protection applicants. 爱尔兰警察部队已部署大量资源,以确保在以往暴力事件发生后,工作能够在不中断的情况下完成。 The Irish police force has deployed significant resources to ensure the work can be completed without disruption, following previous incidents of violence. 最初,申请人将住在现场的帐篷里,并探讨长期的住宿选择。 Initially, applicants will be housed in tents at the site, with long-term accommodation options explored. 当地虽面临抗议, 却维持和平气氛, The site has faced protests but has maintained a peaceful atmosphere. Thornton Hall是爱尔兰政府综合住宿战略的一部分,旨在为寻求国际保护的人建立国有场所。 Thornton Hall is part of the Irish government's Comprehensive Accommodation Strategy, aiming to establish state-owned sites for those seeking international protection.