爱尔兰难民理事会警告3 001名寻求庇护者在旅馆驱逐后可能面临无家可归。 Irish Refugee Council warns 3,001 asylum seekers may face homelessness after hotel eviction.
爱尔兰难民理事会警告说,3 001名寻求庇护者在离开西城酒店后可能没有住所,加剧了爱尔兰的住宿危机。 The Irish Refugee Council warns that 3,001 asylum seekers may be left without shelter after being moved from Citywest Hotel, exacerbating Ireland's accommodation crisis. CEO Nick Henderson对政府的决定表示关切, 该决定要求寻求庇护者必须睡得不好, 才能证明他们的住宿需要, CEO Nick Henderson expressed concern over the government's decision, which requires asylum seekers to sleep rough to prove their need for accommodation, despite three High Court judgments obligating the state to provide shelter. 在对周末天气状况的担忧下,理事会正在寻求有关冷天气政策的细节。 The council is seeking details on the cold weather policy amid concerns over weekend weather conditions.