爱尔兰政府在考虑要求寻求庇护者支付住宿费用时面临强烈的反对。 Irish Government faces backlash for considering requiring asylum seekers to contribute to accommodation costs.
爱尔兰政府在考虑要求寻求庇护者支付住宿费用时面临强烈的反对。 The Irish Government faces backlash for considering requiring asylum seekers to contribute to accommodation costs. Doras宣传小组认为,如果这一提议向前推进,寻求庇护者必须获得他们目前缺乏的基本服务,如儿童福利和教育补助金。 Advocacy group Doras argues that if this proposal moves forward, asylum seekers must have access to essential services, which they currently lack, such as child benefits and education grants. 首席执行官John Lannon强调指出,正如最近一份检查报告所述,许多寻求庇护者生活在恶劣的条件下,包括改建的仓库和帐篷。 CEO John Lannon highlights that many asylum seekers live in poor conditions, including converted warehouses and tents, as noted in a recent inspection report.