2022年以来乌克兰难民居住后,前卡洛餐厅因安全考虑而空置。 Former Carlow restaurant vacated due to safety concerns after housing Ukrainian refugees since 2022.
自俄罗斯于2022年入侵以来, 住满150名乌克兰难民的前卡洛餐厅因消防和安全考虑而空置。 A former Carlow restaurant that housed up to 150 Ukrainian refugees since Russia's invasion in 2022 has been vacated due to fire and safety concerns. 融合部正在考虑将该财产作为其他国际保护申请人的潜在住所。 The Department of Integration is considering the property as potential accommodation for other international protection applicants. 拥有工作并在当地学校招收子女的乌克兰居民被迁移到爱尔兰各地。 The Ukrainian residents, who had secured jobs and enrolled their children in local schools, were relocated across Ireland.