台湾对外国船只加强监视,以保护海底电缆免受潜在损害。 Taiwan ramps up surveillance on foreign ships to protect undersea cables from potential damage.
台湾计划加强对悬挂“方便旗”的船舶的监控和管理, Taiwan plans to enhance surveillance and management of ships flying "flags of convenience" after a Chinese-linked cargo vessel was suspected of damaging an undersea communications cable. 该船由一家香港公司所有,在喀麦隆和坦桑尼亚注册,由于天气恶劣,无法登船。 The vessel, owned by a Hong Kong company and registered in Cameroon and Tanzania, could not be boarded due to bad weather. 台湾将优先在港口进行检查,并派遣海岸警卫队在其海岸24海里以内,特别是在海底电缆附近,登上可疑船只。 Taiwan will prioritize inspections at ports and dispatch coast guard to board suspicious ships within 24 nautical miles of its coast, especially near undersea cables. 政府旨在加强与美国和欧洲的国际合作,以应对类似威胁。 The government aims to strengthen international cooperation with the US and Europe to address similar threats.