台湾作为中国船只在其水域附近进行军事演习;中国主张领土权利。 Taiwan conducts military drills as Chinese ships near its waters; China asserts territorial claims.
台湾在发现靠近其水域的中国军舰和海岸警卫舰后,已开始作战准备状态演习。 Taiwan has initiated combat readiness drills after detecting Chinese warships and coast guard vessels near its waters. 中国外交部强调,他们致力于捍卫其领土完整,将台湾视为其领土的一部分。 The Chinese Foreign Ministry emphasized their commitment to defending their territorial integrity, viewing Taiwan as part of its territory. 对此,台湾军队处于高度警戒状态,对外围岛屿进行评估,提高警惕。 In response, Taiwan's military is on high alert, conducting assessments and increasing vigilance on outlying islands.