韩国准备根据新总统特朗普的计划, 对抗潜在的美国贸易壁垒。 South Korea readies plans to counter potential US trade barriers under new President Trump.
韩国正在根据当选总统特朗普(Trump)制定打击潜在美国贸易保护主义的战略,这可能影响到韩国的出口。 South Korea is preparing strategies to counter potential US trade protectionism under President-elect Trump, which could impact South Korea's exports. 贸易、工业和能源部正在根据数据制定计划,并将与日本和欧盟等合作伙伴分享信息。 The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy is developing plans based on data and will share information with partners like Japan and the EU. 韩国还计划扩大其自由贸易协定,并与更多国家谈判,以促进出口。 South Korea also plans to expand its free trade agreements and negotiate with additional countries to boost exports.