洛杉矶在极罕见的"特别危险情况" 野火警报下 从1月13日开始 Los Angeles under rare "Particularly Dangerous Situation" wildfire alert starting Jan. 13.
由于从1月13日上午4时开始的极端野火风险,国家气象局向洛杉矶发出了罕见的“特别危险情况”(PDS)警告。 The National Weather Service has issued a rare "Particularly Dangerous Situation" (PDS) warning for Los Angeles due to extreme wildfire risk starting at 4 a.m. on Jan. 13. 首先用于中西部的龙卷风警报,公发系统警报现在也涵盖其他严重天气事件,如冰风暴、洪水、飓风和野火。 First used for tornado warnings in the Midwest, PDS warnings now also cover other severe weather events like ice storms, floods, hurricanes, and wildfires. 公共发展服务警报旨在提高认识和立即采取行动。 The PDS alert aims to heighten awareness and prompt immediate action.