乌克兰向叙利亚发送了500吨面粉, Ukraine sends 500 tons of flour to Syria, expanding its "Food from Ukraine" humanitarian initiative.
乌克兰自2011年以来首次向叙利亚运送了500吨面粉,作为乌克兰谷物倡议的一部分。 Ukraine has delivered 500 tons of flour to Syria for the first time since 2011, as part of the Grain from Ukraine initiative. 这项人道主义努力与世界粮食计划署协调,旨在解决粮食无保障问题,并得到30多个国家的支持。 This humanitarian effort, coordinated with the World Food Programme, aims to address food insecurity and is supported by over 30 countries. 乌克兰计划扩大此倡议, 现称为“来自乌克兰的食物”, 以包括更多产品及更多国家, Ukraine plans to expand the initiative, now called "Food from Ukraine," to include a wider range of products and additional countries. 该倡议已经向几个非洲国家运送小麦和向日葵油,并计划交付更多货物。 The initiative has already sent wheat and sunflower oil to several African nations, with more deliveries planned.