在俄罗斯因付款问题暂停小麦出口后,乌克兰愿意向叙利亚供应粮食。 Ukraine offers to supply food to Syria after Russia suspends wheat exports due to payment issues.
在俄罗斯暂停小麦出口后, 乌克兰准备向叙利亚供应粮食, Ukraine is prepared to supply food to Syria, following Russia's suspension of wheat exports due to payment delays and uncertainty about Syria's new government. 从历史上看,叙利亚依赖在阿萨德政权统治下进口的俄罗斯粮食。 Historically, Syria relied on Russian food imports under the Assad regime. 乌克兰的提议旨在加强关系并援助叙利亚人民,因为该国在多年战争和干旱之后面临潜在的粮食短缺。 Ukraine's offer aims to strengthen ties and assist Syria's people, as the country faces potential food shortages after years of war and drought.