捷克外交部长扬·利帕夫斯基宣布向乌克兰额外提供 10 万发子弹,到年底子弹总数将达到 50 万发。 Czech Foreign Minister Jan Lipavsky announces additional 100,000 ammo rounds for Ukraine, raising total to 500,000 by year-end.
捷克外交部长扬·利帕夫斯基宣布,将于7月和8月向乌克兰额外运送10万发子弹,到年底运送子弹总数将达到50万发,有18个国家支持该倡议。 Czech Foreign Minister Jan Lipavsky announces an additional 100,000 rounds of ammunition will be sent to Ukraine in July and August, totalling 500,000 by year's end with 18 countries supporting the initiative. 捷克共和国已经向乌克兰提供了第一批炮弹,并正在努力确保2025年的进一步资金。 The Czech Republic has already supplied Ukraine with a first batch of artillery shells and is working to secure further funding for 2025.