8月份,乌克兰的海运食品出口下降,小麦和玉米出口下降。 Ukraine's maritime food exports declined in August, with wheat and corn exports decreasing.
乌克兰的海上粮食出口从7月的425万公吨下降到8月的413万公吨,小麦和玉米出口也下降。 Ukraine's maritime food exports declined to 4.13 million metric tons in August from 4.25 million in July, with wheat and corn exports also decreasing. 然而,谷物和油籽出口总量略有上升,达到430万吨。 However, overall grain and oilseed exports rose slightly to 4.3 million tons. 在2024/25季节,粮食出口从上一个季节的490万公吨大幅增加到9月4日的720万公吨。 For the 2024/25 season, grain exports have significantly increased to 7.2 million metric tons as of September 4, compared to 4.9 million during the previous season.