研究表明,在癌症诊断可能降低进展和死亡风险之前,应先进行锻炼。 Study suggests exercise before cancer diagnosis may lower progression and death risks.
《英国体育医学杂志》的一项研究发现,癌症诊断前的体育活动可以减少癌症的演变和死亡风险。 A study in the British Journal of Sports Medicine found that physical activity before cancer diagnosis may reduce cancer progression and death risk. 在超过28 000名南非第一阶段癌症患者中,中度至高度体力活动者患癌症的风险降低27%,与未锻炼者相比,因任何原因死亡的风险降低47%。 Among over 28,000 South African stage 1 cancer patients, those with moderate to high physical activity had a 27% lower risk of cancer progression and a 47% lower risk of death from any cause compared to those who did not exercise. 虽然研究报告强调了实际效益,但并未确立直接因果关系。 While the study highlights exercise benefits, it does not establish a direct cause-and-effect relationship.