在3,4B美元的战争破坏后,真主党成为向流离失所的黎巴嫩人提供援助的主要来源。 Hezbollah becomes main source of aid for displaced Lebanese after $3.4B war damage.
在停火停止了以色列与真主党之间的战争六周后,许多流离失所的黎巴嫩人面临重建和赔偿的漫长等待。 Six weeks after a ceasefire halted the war between Israel and Hezbollah, many displaced Lebanese face a lengthy wait for reconstruction and compensation. 黎巴嫩基础设施损失估计达34亿美元,黎巴嫩政府和国际捐助者可能捉襟见肘,真主党尽管资源有限,但却是主要的赔偿来源。 Lebanon's infrastructure losses are estimated at $3.4 billion, and with the Lebanese government and international donors potentially stretched thin, Hezbollah is the primary source of compensation, though its resources are limited. 世界银行正在探索紧急援助,但尚未制定具体计划。 The World Bank is exploring emergency aid, but no concrete plans are in place yet.