美国计划拨出15 700万美元人道主义援助援助受黎巴嫩冲突影响的民众。 The US plans to allocate $157m in humanitarian aid to assist populations affected by the Lebanon conflict.
美国计划拨出1.57亿美元的人道主义援助,以帮助受黎巴嫩及其周围地区持续冲突影响的人口。 The U.S. plans to allocate $157 million in humanitarian aid to assist populations affected by the ongoing conflict in Lebanon and surrounding areas. 这笔资金将支助境内流离失所者、黎巴嫩境内的难民人口、逃往叙利亚的人以及收容他们的社区。 This funding will support internally displaced persons, refugee populations within Lebanon, and those fleeing to Syria, as well as the communities hosting them. 这项宣布是国务院宣布的,目的是在危机升级时满足紧急人道主义需求。 The announcement was made by the State Department and aims to address urgent humanitarian needs amid escalating crises.