黎巴嫩和法国官员提出了重建贝鲁特港口的计划,重点关注码头、港口布局和太阳能,黎巴嫩出资60-8000万美元。 Lebanese and French officials propose a plan to rebuild Beirut port, focusing on quays, port layout, and solar power, with Lebanon contributing $60-80 million.
四年前,贝鲁特发生大规模爆炸,造成 200 多人死亡并摧毁了这座城市,黎巴嫩和法国官员提出了一项重建贝鲁特港口的计划。 Lebanese and French officials propose a plan to rebuild Beirut port four years after a massive explosion killed over 200 people and devastated the city. 重建计划的重点是重建受损码头、重组港口布局以及向太阳能过渡。 The reconstruction plan focuses on rebuilding damaged quays, reorganizing port layout, and transitioning to solar power. 黎巴嫩预计将通过港口收入提供约 60-8000 万美元来完成重建工作。 Lebanon is expected to contribute an estimated $60-80 million to complete the reconstruction, funded through the port's revenues.