都柏林医院向部长抱怨事件中断导致新的市政政策。 Dublin hospital complains to minister over event disruptions, leading to new city policy.
都柏林国家妇产医院向卫生部长抱怨,都柏林市马拉松和妇女微型马拉松等大型事件造成混乱,阻碍病人和工作人员就医。 The National Maternity Hospital in Dublin has complained to the Health Minister about disruptions caused by large events like the Dublin City Marathon and Women's Mini-Marathon, which block hospital access for patients and staff. 医院的主人Shane Higgins教授敦促改变事件路线以避免交通问题。 Professor Shane Higgins, the hospital's master, urged event rerouting to avoid traffic issues. 作为回应,都柏林市议会实施了一项新政策,包括建立一个医院控制中心,与活动组织者合作,尽量减少干扰。 In response, Dublin City Council implemented a new policy, including a hospital control center to work with event organizers and minimize disruptions.