Didcott的居民由于获得保健服务的问题,要求提供新的全科外科手术的最新消息的压力很大。 Residents in Didcot pressure for updates on a new GP surgery due to healthcare access issues.
英国Didcot的居民要求更新新的GP外科手术, 因为当地医疗服务有限, 迫使许多人前往医院。 Residents in Didcot, England, are pressing for updates on a new GP surgery due to limited access to local healthcare, forcing many to travel to hospitals. NHS综合照料委员会计划在明年开始建设, 但对于董事会与区议会之间的沟通责任有混淆。 The NHS Integrated Care Board plans to start building next year, but there's confusion over communication responsibilities between the board and the district council. 居民Luke Hislop因未预约接受全科医生诊治,不得不将他6周大的儿子送进医院。 Resident Luke Hislop had to take his six-week-old son to the hospital due to lack of GP appointments. 工党的劳拉·格雷特雷克斯 (Laura Greatrex) 称这些延误“荒谬”,并敦促更明确的进展更新。 Labour's Laura Greatrex called the delays "ridiculous" and urged clearer progress updates. 董事会和理事会都声称定期更新其网站,提供进展信息。 Both the board and council claim to regularly update their websites with progress information.