Drogheda的Lourdes 圣母医院因病人超负荷而将救护车调走。 Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital in Drogheda diverted ambulances due to patient overload.
周日下午,由于患者人数众多,德罗赫达的卢尔德圣母医院暂时将救护车转移到都柏林、米斯和卡文附近的医院,持续了三个小时。 On Sunday afternoon, Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital in Drogheda temporarily diverted ambulances to nearby hospitals in Dublin, Meath, and Cavan for three hours due to a high number of patients. 卫生服务执行部(HSE)建议对非急诊机构使用替代保健服务,但强调急诊部门为重病患者提供急诊服务。 The Health Service Executive (HSE) advised using alternative healthcare services for non-emergencies but stressed that emergency departments are available for seriously ill patients. 医院还实行探视限制,以控制感染。 The hospital also imposed visiting restrictions to control infections.